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Join Westmoreland Sanctuary's Spring Conservation Camp and have your kids explore the science of the springtime. Epic adventures in Westmoreland’s pristine woodland environment for budding young conservationists, outdoor kids, nature lovers, etc. Campers will hike near and far, conduct environmental science experiments, wildlife surveys, measure tree growth, remove invasive plants, catch, band and release wild birds, conduct game camera studies, and more. Spring Conservation Camp runs Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18. Your camper may attend the full five days, or you select certain days that work best with your vacation schedule. Similarly, they may attend for the camp full day (9 AM - 3 PM) or for a half day (9 AM - 12 PM). Please visit our website, email or call for more info.
Ages 7+
Visit, Call (914)666-8448 or email for more info